Frank Mantooth and Hal Leonard Corporation have published an exciting new improvisation method
designed for all levels of players - from the absolute beginner to the experienced performer.
Instructional volumes can be used individually or in a group/classroom environment. Play-along
song collections feature musical variety, top-notch rhythm section accompaniment, great tunes,
and performance of each head as well as choruses for improvisation. Each book includes a
play-along CD. All titles in the series are available for C, B, E
, and Bass Clef instruments.
Titles In The Series
(15 songs, including All of Me, Confirmation, Don't Get Around Much
Anymore, Milestones, Ornithology, Waltz for Debby, When I Fall in Love, and more.)
Sound Samples (.WAV format)
Musicians on Patterns for Improvisation: Kim Park, Saxophones and Flute; Stan Kessler, Trumpet and Flugelhorn; Danny Embrey, Guitar; Frank Mantooth, Piano; Bob Bowman, Bass; Todd Strait, Drums.
Copyright © 1996 by Hal Leonard Corporation. International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying, arranging, adapting, recording, or public performance is an infringement of copyright.