Frank Mantooth and Hal Leonard Corporation have published an exciting new improvisation method designed for all levels of players - from the absolute beginner to the experienced performer. Instructional volumes can be used individually or in a group/classroom environment. Play-along song collections feature musical variety, top-notch rhythm section accompaniment, great tunes, and performance of each head as well as choruses for improvisation. Each book includes a play-along CD. All titles in the series are available for C, B, E, and Bass Clef instruments.
Titles In The Series
(15 songs, including All of Me, Confirmation, Don't Get Around Much
Anymore, Milestones, Ornithology, Waltz for Debby, When I Fall in Love, and more.)
Sound Samples (.WAV format)
Musicians on Patterns for Improvisation: Kim Park, Saxophones and Flute; Stan Kessler, Trumpet and Flugelhorn; Danny Embrey, Guitar; Frank Mantooth, Piano; Bob Bowman, Bass; Todd Strait, Drums.
Copyright © 1996 by Hal Leonard Corporation. International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying, arranging, adapting, recording, or public performance is an infringement of copyright.